I forgot the title

One day we were

with marta and agata

and my semi-harem

and some boy

sitting at pre-party drinking


and at one point marta said mockingly

that I consider myself to be

'master of monogamy'

(yes, she said it in English,

and I said it to her earlier in English too)


I was so mad at her for saying that loud

I thought I will rip her apart with my bare hands

and the more I tried to burn her with my eyes,

the wider she was smiling

and she has really large mouth


later that day after we finished drinking

and were heading to jazz rock cafe

when we reached red stop lights

she ordered me to carry her on my shoulders

as she used to do many times before

and agata, mother of my first child started to be crazy about it

and was hovering hands around us and was afraid that she will fall

and in reality she was just jealous, and jealoucy is stronger than love


and the point of this poem is:

people are deeply monogamous,

but not changing subject of love

through all life is very hard for them


also relationships are great

as long as they last

I recommend getting into it

and worry about all other things later


but what to do when changing of subject happens?


I wrote not so long ago that human brain don't see sex

and sons from patriarchal family

are cool to make their own patriarchal families

but it is very troublesome for doughters

that are coming from such relationships

as they need matriarchal family


So I will write now my most astounding discovery:


If You spend some time with some human,

and then spend some time of the same day

with another human, brain can't see it's different human


You might spend all life with one person

and You will have no need of no friends

and You both will be happy all Your lifes

but that's unlikely


I have seen children

made using this discovery

and children were made

not with the one brain

of chick was in love


No real man cares if chick

who wants to fuck with him

is in love with him


For real man 'love' is stupid made-up word

for chicks that are more reatrded than average chick

Średnia ocena: 5.0  Głosów: 1

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Komentarze (10)

  • Narrator 14.03.2022
    The only point of this 'poem' is to bore readers to death.

    reatrded -> retarded

    English still sucks: poor choice of words, awkwardly put sentences, missing articles (both definite and indefinite). You gotta start tinkering in English!
  • DrV 14.03.2022
    I have been both: fucker and arouser and both functions are cool for me
  • Narrator 14.03.2022
    Yeah, you are one big mother fucker!

    Did you fart?,
  • DrV 14.03.2022
    Narrator I'm just depressed man
  • Narrator 14.03.2022
    Want to feel better? Play video games, listen to upbeat music, walk around the block and declutter your pigeon hole.

    May the seed of your loins be fruitful in the belly of your woman,
  • DrV 14.03.2022
    lol, I thought it was so obvious at this point
    that I have no woman anymore,
    man with woman never roams like this
    also I don't plan to have any more children ever obviousler
  • DrV 14.03.2022
    also I clould leave just last two verses,
    they come from some sitcom I think

    there was this wealthy singer chick
    and she was despising every boy
    and was thinking that true love
    happened to her only once
    before she started being wealthy
    and will never happen to her again
    and imho she hallucinated reality properly

    for more click here:
  • DrV 14.03.2022
    also I'm reading this best Roger Zelazny book
    'To Die in Italbar' that he regreted he wrote,
    and there is funny line:
    one of main characters was wishing
    he started to be wealthier earlier in life
    and be more blased and bored by everything
    and I find this comforting, insane how
    much comfort reading books bring,
    it should be forbidden
  • Narrator 15.03.2022
    I really pity your sorrowful life, but this web site has been designated for publishing literature, not some kind of a psychological treatment.

    You should focus on fixing errors in your text, strive to make your stories readable, because sloppy and unpalatable content will lead you nowhere. For mental issues you should visit a shrink. Unfortunately I can't recommend any, because I don't live in Poland, but I'm sure there is a help line you could call.

    This message will self destruct ten seconds after reading,
  • DrV 15.03.2022
    Lol every literature is self psychological treatment, denying it You deny Your true monkey nsture, I will try to translate these poems to Polish if I manage to make my own social media in the meantime https://youtu.be/0Fju9o8BVJ8

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