,, Nigdy nie pytaj ''

Never ask why!

See how much harm I did to!

You have the audacity to come and beg for forgiveness.

You should fall down and still win.

Why me?

What have I done?

Are you able to answer me one question?

Never say never ! These your words that make no sense.

He laughs with you, for me you are a regular buffoon!

He does not want you in my life.

I want to forget, although I can not really.

I was once at the top and then I fall down.

You do it all happens when I think about you.

You're guilty!

I hate you at the same time I need.

Sometimes I do not know what he wants.

Despite the fact that I'm talking about you the same bad things I love you and need your company

Średnia ocena: 1.5  Głosów: 2

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Komentarze (3)

  • Pan Buczybór 07.12.2016
    This is polish portal!
  • Nazareth 07.12.2016
    See how much harm I did to! - as well would be a better substitute since to might be interpreted as "to somebody"
    These your words that make no sense. - These ARE your *
    He laughs with you, for me you are a regular buffoon! - You either use punctuation in your poems or you don't. There is no happy medium here.
    I fall down - fell, past tense.
    You do it all happens when I think about you - there is no logical sense to this sentence.
    I hate you at the same time I need - need whom, what?
    There is a mistake in every other strophe of your poem, so you got a problem with the use of language. Punctuation is almost nonexistent. And when you put it all together it just sound like random sentence mangled up - regular jibber jabber. And above everything else this i a polish website and one of the rules is the texts published on here are supposed to be in polish. I would appreciate if you obliged. Best regards.
  • detektyw prawdy 08.12.2016
    czemu tytuly sa po polsku a tresc po angielsku?

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