“Santa Claus Dressed in Black”

“If you want something to be heard you have to say it minimum five times. Because for an event to occur there are needed at least five reasons.”


Christmas Eve

I’m about to go to bed.

I'm recalling being a child going to sleep on Christmas Eve. My mind was on fire: ‘What there will be under the Christmas tree when I wake up?’


This time is over. I don’t even have a Christmas tree.


What am I talking about? The forest is my Christmas Tree


Snow is squeaking under my feet. The crispy aroma of bark and leaves with a taste of Solar Force brought here with snow during formation of clouds — this whole forest becomes my lungs — crystalline, lucid, deep and endless with a taste similar to colloidal gold when is made only with pure gold and distilled water. It penetrates to a top of my brain putting me in a high state so the most beautiful woman in vicinity will walk straight to me asking for a date.

This is a basic mind difference between her and him. He walks to her when she cries. But him crying…? It makes her to run away. When he has a golden glow around him then she comes.

The aroma of the forest like a hallucinogenic essence of Nature is guiding me tonight on this stairway to Heaven. I’m inhaling this ethereal perfume with a conviction of an addict who is passionately taking an overdose at that same time being very calm.

The only chills I get thinking of this mundane industry of killing trees for any retarded excuse like decorating them and throwing them to the trash – this sick mindless crime routine definitely proofs humans do not belong here in Earth’s Paradise.


In a dark fog walks towards me a dark silhouette carrying something like...a sack? What is that? Santa Claus dressed in black? What the fuck I’m making up? This time is over. I’m not going to get anything.

The black figure moves towards me. Is getting closer but I see no details only dark shape. Something darker then darkness.

When you want to paint a vibrant black you add some violet. There is a violent touch in this black posture coming at me on Christmas Eve before midnight.

—“Hey man!” I say.

—“Hey hey...” A young man comes close to me with a handshake. His hand is very hot. —“Can we walk together?”

—“What is it?”

—“It’s scary.” His voice is shaky.

—“Scary what?”

—“I’m so glad you came. May be there there is God or something… I was having dark thoughts. To end my life.”

—“I feel there is some connection. It would be scary if it wasn’t so.” I say.

—“But it’s scary. It’s my family.”

—“What exactly...?”

—“I have to give them a Christmas gift. Told me tonight.”

—“What they want?”

—“I have to take vaccine. I’m not going to. I told them I don’t want to die.”

—“What did they say?”

—“They said. ‘It will be OK.’ „

—“If you die?”

—“That maybe too. They are so fucked up. If I don’t take a vaccine I’m on a street.”

—“People are dying after taking vaccine. Actually they are dying in big numbers. But it’s covered up. Only fraction of that is published. You only hear about it when there are many witnesses. The whole scandemic was designed to make people to vaccinate. Highly respected reserchers like Judy Makovitz, Robert Kennedy Junior are alarming the world. Some scientists, doctors are being silenced, taken from Youtube... Can you show to your Mom and Dad info about it...?”

—“I tried. Many times, all the time. I did show them everything... that shit is deadly. Designed to kill or to make you sterile.”

—“How do you know that?”

—“There are constantly emerging voices from well established vaccine specialists, virologists, researchers, whistleblowers and investigative journalists who are alarming the world about the Covid-19 hazards and disclosing the fact how the novel Covid-19 vaccine is paving the way for non-consensual experimentation on the general public.” Says young man with a trembling voice. —“Few investigative journalists recently wrote an alarming articles, I want to be investigative journalist too so I follow it very closely. James describes vaccines as extreme danger humanity is facing as never before in our recorded history. He says we are under a ‘threat of forcing and compelling people to become unwilling guinea pigs in an ongoing medical experiment is immoral on its face.’

—“That’s what they thought at the beginning. But it's much worse then that. Few months ago the number of victims was 17 millions. It comes out it’s a direct brutal murder. Genocide on all the humans of the World committed by the so called 1%, the cabal of richest scumbags of Earth who decided to have Earth only for themselves. All the governments are in cahoots working together for them. They are pushing vaccines as another way to spread infections by asymptomatic sickness that vaccine causes. The point is to kill as many humans as possible.

—“What can you expect from mass murderers who are pushing this genocide on Humanity. Take this link. Show it to your parents. It’s about spike protein; myocarditis and pericarditis. That causes tbe blood of the victims to turn like calamari. I let him copy a link from my phone. (It’s enclosed at the end.)

This is a Next Reset that Jon Levi talks about; he shows documentation and remains of a recent culture that was wiped out by a reset.”

—“Tartaria. I saw it, I know all about it.”

—“What they think about that? You have to tell them at least five times.”

—“They won’t even listen once.”

—“Are they your real parents?”

—“Switched in a hospital. Who knows? But we look much alike.” He puts his hands over his face as if he is trying to take it off.

—“With real parents it’s more complicated. Because all the shit they put you through, it contributed to what you became. You seem a very well informed, very sensitive, very carrying and lovely individual.” I’m thinking about my father breaking my instrument so music I compose can have an extremely original, unique character; you can’t buy that for money or for fame. It has to go through severely emotional training and that can purify the genetic code from garbage deposit.” I say with a feeling of gratitude. —“It’s communication on very deep level.”

—“What your Mom said?” He asks.

—“She was fine with it. But very cautious saying to my Dad ‘Be careful he may attack you.’ like they were training a wild beast for a circus.”

—“Zero communication here. They just watch TV.” He says with sorrow, helplessness.

—“My parents didn’t have TV. They were watching me instead.” I say proudly.

—“My Mom and Dad don’t know anything else. Only what they see on TV.” Despair in his voice.

—“You suppose to be grateful for all the sacrifice they do for you.” I say trying to calm him down.

—“That’s a trash talk, like a moron that became a social worker! What sacrifice? Watching TV?”

Looks like he lost all the confidence he had in me.

—“Yes. Imagine they are doing this for just for you so you’ll see how stupid, insensitive, oppressive people become when they watch TV. That shit turns their brain into shit. There is a serious battle going under your roof. Karmic war. You are a living monument of their heroism. Man! Have some respect.”

—“You right. I wish I don’t have to do such a sacrifice and turn into an idiot so my kids will be smarter. O fuck man! That’s heavy. It hits me right here.” He points to his throat or head, but I don’t know exactly because he turns away from me when he says that. —“But this job is done.” He screams towards the lake and the sky.

—“I can’t answer to that. I don’t know what the whole plan, but all looks very tight, well designed.”

Suddenly he turns towards me.

—“Them being idiots it’s not enough anymore. They have to move on. They believe all the crap they are told by the media. They are going to murder my little sister too. Is there any fucking god?”

—“Our consciousness is God. Światovid. Ancient deity. The Vision of the World this was our God. Perception merged with Spirit. It was that way for a very long time before the Christianity killed all that Wisdom and replaced it with a zombie model. A mentally performed lobotomy. But it must be some way to communicate. ”

—“Sure there is. Some radical...”

—“Poor people. That’s scary.”

—“Not scary anymore when you know what to do. I have to fight for my life and Mimi’s life. I’m going to kill motherfucker and that stupid cunt I came from. Thanks man. Without you I would never undesrstood that.” A smile twinkles on his face like a little star betweeen heavy clouds. —“Can you help me?”

—“Sure I can help you.”

—“Will you?”— he grabs my hand with his soft fingers that are even hoter then before when we did a handshake.

—“Protecting our life is our Number One Duty given to us at birth. If you don’t do it — it’s the worst Karma you can get. But can we do it by showing them some articles, documents?”

—“They don’t get it. TV only. Don’t you get it? I can’t take it anymore.” He folds like punched in a stomach. —“They are putting me through fucking hell.”

—“Bill Gates of Hell.”

—“Can you show them the video where this monster says he’s going to create genocide by using vaccines?”

—“I did. My dad says that this… sorry man I don’t want to pronounce his name, thinking in may hurt me. How should I call him?” Says the young man with an embarrassment.

—“Don’t call him at all. We know who this is.”

—“Dad says this person is going to… Fuck I don’t thing he is a person. A mutant. That makes sense. Dad says the mutant is going to take vaccine in front of a camera so it must be safe.”

—“You can’t tell what is in it. Just distilled water and glucose. All those mutants doing it for a show. It’s like special effects in movies. One of those mutants was pretending to be vaccinated but the person doing it didn’t even have gloves. So it’s all fake.”

—“You said ‘movies’ but they don’t make movies anymore only special effects.” In his voice I hear sadness and contempt.

—“Now movies are not made by artists. Movies are made by mind police. Only trickery, camouflage of reality. There is not even one inch one second in movies that isn’t propaganda. Media mind controll. It takes the biggest part of national budget. Your tax money used to stupefy you.” I say thinking about Secret Service guns on every film production in Hollywood.

—“I have a problem to see it that way. I think the biggest part of national budget goes for controllers’ luxury spending. Their mansions, their limos, hookers, cocaine, fake tits for the hookers.”

—“That’s big bucks too, but mind control industry is the most crucial business for controllers. When chicken on a farm realize that they are not there for their own good but for a stew; this is not such a big deal. In a worst case the farm owner will send them to slaughter house and replace the stocks. But when people realize why they are being farmed by the controllers…? Then they will send controllers to slaughter house. That’s why the biggest effort is focused on to control the population’s mind that they will never find out what’s going on.”

—“Whatever. There will be always some fucking Hitler trying to cheat you to put you in Auschwitz. You don’t need to listen to that shit. They do it because they are totally fucked up. There is no other way. I have to kill them.”

—“We don’t want to kill people because they are fucked up. It will make us also fucked up. And it has some side effects almost that bad as vaccine.”

—“Getting caught?”

—“Not necessarily. The cops are not that smart and they don’t give a shit who they catch. Their dogs are smarter then them. In cases with no witness they usually frame someone for statistics and medals. They are the most stupid, cruel species that exists.”

—“Some security guards I know, those are the most insecure people I met.” He giggles. —“I’m it scares me. Seriously.

This is just my defense laughter. You know… Laughter can save your life.”

—“Really! My friend Mrs. Genowefa told me her laughter episode from WW2 concentration camp. They were lined up and a guard was taking every fifth prisoner for medical experiments. They were stuffing them with some immune enhancement. Nobody ever survived that.”

—“Seems like vaccine experiments. You see I told them this is a vaccine experiment on the entire public. They won’t even listen.”

—“Yeah! We are not far from that. Are we? So gourd is counting… Genowefa is fifth and the guard points to her to step out. And Genowefa starts to laugh. The guard pulls her out from the line, but she doesn’t stop laughing.”

—“Why? Was she crazy?” Asks the man impatiently as if this event taking place in front of him right now.

—“The whole situation of the concentration camp.” I say. —“I can’t imagine something crazier, but Genowefa was a very intelligent, sensitive woman, psychic too.”

—“That’s scary shit man, nothing to laugh about. Why was she laughing?”

—“Just listen and you will know.” I say.

—“Before the war stated Genowefa visited a fortune teller who told her what will happen in her life and everything was happening exactly like fortune teller said. But this with a deadly vaccine experiment wasn’t in the prediction. The fortune teller told her she will have husband and kids. So she knew that the guard was in error. She alse knew she was not going to be killed that way. So she was sure it must be a mistake and it was. That’s why she was laughing. The guard got really mad. ‘What are you laughing at? This is very serious. Go back to the line you stupid.’ said the guard and the laughter saved Genowefa’s life.”

—“The ego of that stupid guard played important part. Imagine an asshole deadly serious on a mission of giving people death sentences; indulging in a power over life and death and someone is laughing at that.”

—“She was psychic; she may have read that guards mind and acted upon that.”

—“But that fucking vaccine Auschwitz we have today blows all the records. It’s the most evil government project ever. We have to stop that!” Says the young man.

converted from willing to take his own life into a life savior.

—“This pandemic that is being used for taking away your rights is the modern Auschwitz. The only difference is that now the whole world becomes Auschwitz. Those who think they are living by the rules they don’t know how they are being fucked over by the system that represents the controllers, the farmers of Humanity.”

—“This is a crime done to human race! He screams. The voice echoes across the lake like a lightning that expands in different directions.

—“The crimes committed on Humanity started around 500 years ago. This one committed now is a result of damages done by the mafia style deception that is thousands times more brutal, more devastating then anything we know. Sicilian mafia doesn’t cause a brain damage to the whole population. But what was done 500 years ago caused heavy changes in human brain that limited a perception or made it to run wrong way. If you make person to be absolutelly sure that… let’s say that person is spinning, this person will have a lie imposed on the whole existence. That person will be living in a state of infinite conflict with own intuition that knows spinning doesn’t occur. The intuition will be smothered and since others will do that same to fit with the officially enforced theory the intuition will be either destroyed or terribly distorted. This has a very heavy impact on the whole life.

Such a person becomes partially a drone like organism and can be used for anything. The person will easily follow orders to murder someone beloved or to commit a self-destruction.

But the false programming done to humanity goes beyond just a spinning. It’s in every information that was put in our minds since birth. That’s why most things we don’t know and this we think we know is a lie.

—“It can’t be possible that life could be still happening if this was so.” The man says but the tremor in his voice denies the words.

—“Here is a simple proof. There are few plants that have propriety of healing an infection. To stop people from using those plants to be dependent on the government’s licensed remedies those plants were demonized as extremely dangerous and became illegal to consume and to possess.

—“What plants are those?”

—“I’ll give you one example. There is an extremely powerful plant called Chaparral. I was using it to heal people from all kinds of problems. Infections, viruses, influenza, stomach disorders, problems; just any health problems you imagine, blood poisoning, circulation disorders, blood parasites, insomnia and I think this plant saved my life once when I got poisoned when I was living in Anza Borrego desert. I felt this was the end. I was crawling in moonlight through desert on my knees and hands. With cactus needles allover my body like a porcupine and one thought was guiding me like my birth star, Chaparral! I have to find Chaparral. I think that this thought of Chaparral was still keeping me alive. That’s how powerful it is. And I came to Chaparral bush that was beautifully covered with golden flowers. I started to pull the lives and flowers of the twigs with my teeth like an animal and chewing it. They form a ball because of the sticky sap and I was chewing this ball to smaller pieces that I swallowed and then more lives and flowers; bittersweet and sticky from the sap was covering my mouth, my throat. I kept chewing and swallowing until I couldn’t eat more. I lay on a ground by the Chaparral bush with my face on sharp rocks that were shining like diamonds in moonlight and felt I was back. Alive. I was healed almost immediately. I fell asleep. Chaparral was also used to cure cancer. When some researchers confirmed that Chaparral inhibits the cancer, immediately this plant became classified illegal. So if they’ll find out that I used Chaparral to save people’s lives, I would be thrown in prison together with serial killers. The Chaparral is a model for how a wonder is being stolen from our life and all we have left is misery, exhaustion after enslaving labor for some unknown fucking vampiric entities that are having ecstasy from our suffering and pain. This should give you an idea how everything in our life is being fucked up, twisted and put upside-down and inverted just to control us. To take away from us our kingdom of nature together with its all gifts and the magic nature has to offer. To take away from us Paradise designed for us to enjoy and turn this Paradise into hellish misery, confusion, pain and suffering imposed on us just to control. You may think it cannot be fucked up more then that. But they are constantly enforcing new oppressions now miseries on us just because the main brain damage was done 500 years ago and then they can do to humans whatever they want to.”

—“I have seen some Sumerian documents pointing to genetic manipulation that amputated our wings and very possibly operated out our immortality. All that just in order to control. How can we get out of it?”

—“The best you can do is to inform others and keep away. Once I reported a crime and next thing I have a gun to my forehead and police-idiot creaming ‘Put down your weapon and come out with your hands in the air you son of a...’

—’I don’t have any weapon.’ — I say to the cop

—’Shut up!’ he yells. ‘Do what I say or I going to blow your brains off.’ The cop is obviously on some heavy duty brain intoxication, he has foam on his mouth like a rabies victim.” As the cop’s face barking at me flashes in my mind I get nauseous maybe from a memory after that close death encounter, I run to a side where I vomit leaning against a beautiful Christmas tree decorated with snow flakes and ice crystals.

—“You want to stay away from them as far you can.” I say wiping my face with snow and we continue walking.

—“There is a law that to become a police officer a person has to have a very low IQ.” He says turning his head as he can’t believe his own words.

—“It feels to me that they do some psychological testing to find out if the candidate likes to kill. Mafia does that. Remember police force is a deadly weapon to protect a criminal governmental enterprises that is million times worse then mafia.”

—“But their purpose is written on their cars ‘to Serve & Protect’. You think it’s a lie? How this can be a lie?” He says with such a naïveté that makes me to burst with laughter.

—“No, it’s not a lie. It’s truth100%.” I say and I can’t stop laughing.

—“What’s so funny?” He asks like he is going to loose his trust.

—“It’s to ‘Protect and Serve’ but not you dummy. It’s to protect and serve the power structure. They are constantly bombarding you with subliminal programming. They are throwing in your face what they are going to do to you. That way they are programming you to receive it with acceptance. All the info they give you is designed like that. One more brick into the invisible prison wall imprisoning your mind. It’s like a dollar sign. You are looking at that $ and you see a symbol of money not thinking that this is a symbol of deception. Deception is sipping into your mind while you believe it’s a value, and subconsciously you accepting deception.”

—“What deception? Where is deception? I don’t get it!” He yells at me irritated.

—“Listen kid. Maybe you are not as quick as you think. What this $ symbol looks to like? Try to figure it out?”

—“S with a vertical line from bottom to a top of it.”

—“Not exactly. The line doesn't stop but stretches across the letter ‘S’.

—“What is it then?” His voice gets louder. His patience is running out.

—“Cool down. It’s not an easy one if you don’t know how the whole system works. I didn’t come upon it by myself. I had some teachers.” I say thinking about my dear friend Jordan; he used to say ‘when they tell you something or show you something you have to ask yourself a question ‘What kind of deception is in it?’ That’s the first you need to do.’”

—“Teachers like who? At school? No way.” He asks with disbelieve in his voice.

—“Jordan Maxwell. You know who he is? He guided me. Although I already noticed a deceptive function of language. Even when I say ‘function’ It’s not a function rather dysfunction. It’s very difficult to say something what you really mean. You say what you mean - people will see that you are just mean. Appalling. It’s frightening to them if someone speaks truth. It may get you into a mental institution.”

—“Very much so. People are being under heavy controll not to say what they mean. They are lying to each other.”

—“All of them are already locked up. Earth is a prison for liars. They are in that prison for lying and the walls of that prison are made of lies. They are the guilty of lying, sentenced themselves to a prison made of lies where they have to lie even more. A crime and punishment in one piece simultaneously. They become their own prison guards. Their sentences get extended to a life time. Pretty fucked up.”

—“We should be taught this in elementary school. I would like to study this subject. Where can I find it?” He asks with a sincerity of a child that can also be like a sage igniting very deep wisdom or provoking a most ridiculous behavior.

—“You don’t get it from schools or books. Only from here.” I say pointing to his chest where his heart is.

He takes a step towards me as if he wants to feel my touch on his chest like on some Michael Angelo’s painting.

Just after that he screams:

—“I know! I know!” The excitement brightens his eyes. —“I know! It’s a snake wrapped around a tree.”

—“You got it!” I say and this blast of young man’s intelligence makes this moment for me like Sun just came up in a middle of night and I have tears in my eyes. —“When you are thinking you’re receiving a value in a form of $ you are actually receiving a debt, a satanic deception and you are accepting it. You are making a pact with a devil.”

—“Regarding my parents. I’ll ask them to take vaccine first before me and my sister. That way we will have the apartment. No! I don’t want them to die. What can I do?”

—“Don’t do anything. Nobody has rights to make you to take poison. Can you see that you listening to them is that same as them listening to TV. That’s the ‘Bill Gates of Hell’. Just observe. You will see that they are just children. Kids with bad habits. Confused. That’s all they are.

It will help you to grow up very quickly.”

—“Jeezzooos! Why I didn’t think that?”

—“You right! That’s that ‘Jeezzoos’ in your programming. Nails you to the cross. Constantly. Stupyfies you. A king of alcoholics and borderliners. Always miserable cursing a little fig tree and looking at the sky for his daddy. Perfect trap to never grow up.”

—“This is the greatest Christmas gift I ever got. Gift of my life.”

—“Same to me. The Holly Ritual of giving and receiving. You can't find this at the shopping mall.” I say sounding pretty cool but as I'm saying that I'm noticing this idea spreads above me like a firmament of that Temple where we all are brothers and sisters and that's the only way how we can overcome the worst cataclysm that has been forced on us by the entities from another dimension.

—“Even if they kick me out so what? I’ll take Mimi with me.” Says Santa Claus dressed in black.

—“I’ve been kicked out from home when I was 17. Parents are not professionals and will never become pro because every child is different. They may know how to handle a little kid. Not when the kid gets bigger. You cannot change your parents.” I say. —“Go apologize to them.”

He stops.

—“I will go now.” Tears in his eyes.

—“Take care of them. Remember they are just armatures.”

Santa Claus dressed in black walks away.

I watch if he’ll turn, look at me.

He goes. Delivered to me a Christmas gift just before midnight and moves on.

I’m coming home thinking what he meant by saying „Santa Claus is dressed in black.”???

I switch on the light in the hall and take off my jacket; it’s black. I look in a mirror – my hat, my pants, shoes, gloves are black, all my clothes are black; even my shirt… all black.

* * *

‘If you wish to receive a gift you become Santa Claus.’


Here is the link I gave him about the serious risks of myocarditis and pericarditis, and subclinical myocarditis (blood of the victims turning to calamari)

1. https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/final-batch-of-pfizer-documents-released-showing-fda-knew-safety-monitoring-system-was-not-sufficient-5544925


And the recent article about this international crime :

2. "CDC Drafted Alert for Myocarditis and COVID-19 Vaccines, but Never Sent It"

CDC later sent alerts encouraging people to get vaccinated.


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