The title is in the text

All the balconies are glowing wrapped in colorful cocoons of lights and glitter screaming loud about their wealth and courage to meet a new year of crippling sanctions and accelerating food prices glorifying their psychotic war budget. Decaying life standard is mostly visible in the recycling room. What this people are throwing away is beyond the third world’s poverty level.

Sure the pigs and chickens can survive believing the farmer is God and they are being kept there and prepared to be released into freedom when they grow up and any chicken and pig who may reveal the electrifying truth it will be mocked and harshly reprimanded with comments like “Noise!” or “Hopeless!” and classified with a mental disorder then removed.


The glowing and blinking balconies are all you see except for a one balcony that doesn’t follow this ‘pride and shine’ self–camouflage trend.

Instead of decorations there is a bird feeding tray.


It touches my heart. This little glimpse of love and compassion is reminding me not to loose a hope in humanity.


Knowing that in winter there is very little food on the ground… well, try to find it under the 20 centimeters of snow.


A day after this text was published the temperature increased and the fat pillows of snow melted down. I had to secure the seeds in the feeding tray from getting soaked.

Średnia ocena: 2.5  Głosów: 4

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Komentarze (9)

  • Poncki 5 miesięcy temu
  • Pismo Nosem 5 miesięcy temu
    The commentators are throwing here some lines. Situation seams highly charged pointing at direction of Upanishads, “Tao Te Ching”, or “Tibetan book of Dead”.
  • Pismo Nosem 4 miesiące temu
    The commentators are throwing here some lines by saying: “Noise” or “Hopeless”.’
    I appreciate their impute because these comments are exactly what those pigs and chickens would say when one of them reveals the real reason why are they being kept on that farm.
    That’s why I added their comments to the story and these words like ‘Noise’ or ‘Hopeless’ being shouted by these animals bring up the very raw and brutal reality on that farm. Thank you for the collaboration.
  • Poncki 4 miesiące temu
    Pismo Nosem noise is how i hear nice and nice was exactly what i wanted to say. Cheers mate!
  • Pismo Nosem 4 miesiące temu
    Poncki Dzieki ! Te Twoje 'przejezyczenie' bardzo mi sie spodobalo i mysle, ze swietnie pasuje jako autentyczny komentarz na tej farmie zwierzat -- silna dawka realizmu. Brutalna rzeczywistoscjest chyba najtrudniejsza forma do uchwycenia. Pozdrawiam
  • Narrator 5 miesięcy temu
    Hopeless. 👎
  • Pismo Nosem 5 miesięcy temu
    The commentators are throwing here some lines. Situation seams highly charged pointing at direction of Upanishads, “Tao Te Ching”, or “Tibetan book of Dead”.
  • Pismo Nosem 4 miesiące temu
    The commentators are throwing here some lines by saying: “Noise” or “Hopeless”.’
    I appreciate their impute because these comments are exactly what those pigs and chickens would say when one of them reveals the real reason why are they being kept on that farm.
    That’s why I added their comments to the story and these words like ‘Noise’ or ‘Hopeless’ being shouted by these animals bring up the very raw and brutal reality on that farm. Thank you for the collaboration.
  • zsrrknight 5 miesięcy temu
    english good very edgy

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