

Kelsey's Perspective:


I came back from a delegation.

My partner acted differently.


He's been asleep for 5 hours, usually sleeps 3 hours.

I went to the kitchen.


He ate all the banana chips.

He never liked them.



Arnott's Perspective:


"I missed you," I replied and hugged him.

-I missed you too. Are you okay? ”He said.


-Yes, why are you asking? -I was surprised.


-You ate 3 packets of banana chips. I thought you had a stomach ache, explained my lover.

"Everything is ok. Don't worry.," I reassured him.




I ran to the toilet and threw up.

A few hours ago, I was still fine.

I don't know why this is so.



Kelsey's Perspective:


"Honey, is it better already?", I asked.


"Yes," I replied.


He finished his MiX teas (mint, melissa and strawberry) and fell asleep.


I entered his symptoms on the Internet.

Answer: Pregnancy.


In the morning:


I went to the pharmacy.


When I got back, the 21-year-old took the test.


Result: ➕.


"I'll be with you," I promised.



Arnott's Perspective:


Morun is cute.


The End

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