

Chao's Perspective:


It was supposed to be the most beautiful day of our lives. Everything was supposed to be perfect.


My fiancé was very stressed before the wedding. He was afraid he would do something wrong.


During the ceremony, he fainted.


In the hospital:


It turned out that I will be a daddy.


"Sorry, I ruined everything." Yong cried.


-Honey, nothing happened.

We can get married on another day.


Your health is the most important now, I said and touched his belly.



Yong's perspective:


5 months pregnant:


I'm tired. My son is kicking all the time. We got married five days ago.


Maybe the date has changed, but it was still fantastic.



Chao's Perspective:


Xing was born 1 day ahead of schedule.


I was in childbirth and supported my husband.


It took 7 hours.


The End

Średnia ocena: 1.7  Głosów: 3

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