


Asaod's Perspective:


I've been dating Canber for five months.

He's my friend's ex Liam.

They were a couple for 1.5 years.


Reasons for parting: constant quarrels, they did not spend as much time together as they used to.


I feel guilty.

What if he stops being my friend?

I've known him since primary school.



Liam's Perspective:


Asaod has something to tell me.

I wonder what's going on?


I greeted him.


Then he confessed:


- I've been with your ex for five months.


I accepted this news calmly:


-I'm glad.


"I thought you would be angry and break your friendship," he said.


-I don't feel anything for the Canber anymore.

I've been with Lucas for four months, I explained.


"I wish you luck," he announced.


-Thanks, the same,-replied.



Canber's Perspective:


"How did he take it?", I asked.


"Good. He is glad. He already has someone else", replied my boyfriend.


I felt relieved.

I don't want them to argue because of me.


I parted with Liam in agreement.

We became friends.


"I love you, Asaod," I confessed.


"Me too, Canber," he replied.


The End

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Komentarze (3)

  • MartynaM dwa lata temu
    Wymieniają się pięknie... tylko się cieszyć.?
  • ZielonoMi dwa lata temu
    Chyba nie rozumiem przekazu.?
  • Edek_Kabel_Ozzie dwa lata temu
    Przekaz opowiadań - dialogów jest nad wyraz jasny. Każdy ma prawo do szczęścia i miłości. Każdy ma prawo do posiadania płci, którą zapragnie i do posiadania potomstwa.
    Drugi przekaz - nie istnieje żadna religia narzucająca nam kształt naszego życia, sami sobie jesteśmy panami i władcami i kształtujemy życie według naszego uznania.

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