A + M=♡



Armin's Perspective:


I'll be a dad soon. My mother is furious.


Dad is happy.My beloved's parents are surprised.



Martin's Perspective:


We went to the gynaecologist. A genetic defect was found


The baby is going to die a few hours after the labour. We are devastated



Armin's Perspective:


At the urging of a friend, we went to another doctor - his mother.


Ultrasound examination:


"What did that doctor say?" Asked the woman.


"The baby has Edwards Syndrome," I replied.


She looked at the monitor again and replied:


-It's a mistake. It's healthy, and that's a beating ?.



Martin's Perspective:


We called a family reunion.


- What happened? - the relatives were surprised.


"We know what you did," replied Armin.


My partner's mother was not surprised by our discovery.


I had to do it. It was the best solution for everyone,


"What did you come up with?" Armin's father asked.


-I paid a friend of mine gynecologist to fake the results of the ultrasound.He told them the baby had Edwards' Syndrome, she explained.


"You're terrible. I don't want to know you anymore. I'm divorcing you.", Replied the man.



Armin's Perspective:




My mother and the doctor were arrested.


Dad made the right decision.


Our baby will be wonderful.




Martin's Perspective:


Cináed was born healthy.


The End

Średnia ocena: 2.0  Głosów: 2

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Komentarze (8)

  • Narrator dwa lata temu
    Sporo niedociągnięć stylistycznych ??? — angielski to nie jest Twoja najmocniejsza strona; lepiej nawróć się na mowę ojczystą.

    Kilka przykładów:

    'We were at the gynecologist. Found a genetic defect.'
    Ta wypowiedź sugeruje, że to wy wykryliście defekt, a nie ginekolog.

    Powinno być:
    'We went to the gynaecologist. He/she found a genetic defect.'
    'We went to the gynaecologist. A genetic defect was found.' (passive voice)

    'The baby will die a few hours after giving birth. We are desperate.'
    Z tego zdania wynika, że dziecko umrze kilka godzin po tym, jak urodzi dziecko. Kto urodzi?

    Lepiej napisać:
    'The baby is going to die a few hours after the labour. We are devastated'.

    'I had to do it. It was for the best for everyone,' she said.

    Niepotrzebne powtórzenie 'for':
    'I had to do it. It was the best solution for everyone,' she said.

    Sam tekst brzmi niewiarygodnie: dialogi są sztuczne, nieżyciowe, wyssane kompletnie z palca. ? Naprawdę nie stać Cię na nic lepszego❓?
  • Zuzanna4567 dwa lata temu
    Poprawiłam błędy. Wracam do mowy ojczystej. Nic innego nie wymyślę.
    Jeśli nie interesują cię moje teksty ,to ich nie czytaj.
  • słone paluszki dwa lata temu
    Piszesz tylko dla siebie, jako rodzaj terapii?
  • Narrator dwa lata temu

    Doradzam w dobrej wierze❣️, a żeby ocenić tekst, czy jest interesujący, muszę go wpierw przeczytać. ?
  • Zuzanna4567 dwa lata temu
    słone paluszki tak
  • słone paluszki dwa lata temu
    Zuzanna4567 Ok
  • SwanSong dwa lata temu
    Skoro piszesz dla siebie, to po co tu wstawiasz?
  • Zuzanna4567 dwa lata temu
    SwanSong Bo chcę.

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