"A song pulsing slashed love"

A song pulsing slashed love; glowing in darkness coals of abandon fire, a sparkling star map of Universe from a distance, it doesn’t go away until a new composition starts “Emotions. All I got”. A sexual melody fabric around her, joy petals buzz in her tissue, walking down the hill with a sweeping skyline of a golden Sun steam gentle cloud brush like a ceremonial veil around her. An alarming clarity in her face I recognize from far away, long time ago, thousands of years before all I know and I forgot, hope and fear, discipline and addiction, a civilization before Atlantis… before our wings got amputated in genetic manipulation for enslavement*. She gives me an unscrupulous eye impact Ajna Chakra, that operates within the Third Eye Field. A retina essence from her calcified pineal gland, Fluor toothpaste neurotoxin gush at me like I'm a bad seed reciprocated with downfall of our bloodline and now we are slammed to the ground worms crawling in mud. The clarity is that she remembers me and is unforgiving.

“Why did you allow this to happen?” a speech impediment look like a scythe decapitates my tongue as she passes on a side of my heart. The wild animal in my rib cage kicks the bone bars to jump out.

“No kidding! A murder contaminated food. Hee! Hee! You are in deep shit meat scavenger eating your relatives?” The dandelions on a side of road roll the golden heads in a squeaky hee hee vocation. “Eat us! Why to eat death?”

“Try to ignore that.” I can’t. Either I do it or not. “I agree! I eat meat I become meat. But not anymore. Fuck! I lost my strain... can’t think.” A punishment feeling of guilt, that I didn’t fight enough for our freedom. For our bill of rights individual choice how we want to live our lives.

“Where was I? … I love you... I’m wretched I didn’t combat to my last breath.”

“A coward unable to stand up for love. A little faggot afraid to get bloody, holding onto an illusion of security. Ha? Take this!” She pronounces a Bruce Lee Kick in my balls. I suck the air, an extra breath like a man before being hanged.

“I found you graceful skydiver.” I look at her trying to taste another field compound beyond Third Eye toxin. “Remember me? We were an army commanded by Life Force. A daybreak fly face to face across the turquoise sky. Tight to each other in a tango kiss embrace we pierce the air bell rainbow top in a zero delay speed; all we feel in that very moment is felt simultaneously across Universe. Freedom & Happiness. Euphoria showers the endorphins and oxytocin diamante pearls go through us like a rain on a thirsty blossom.” We zoom through constellation of Dolphin. Healing and rebirth stars. An everbloom garden aura brush.

‘That’s why they target children. The child’s innocence is purifying the aura of Universe, it deactivates the scumbags. The only weapon against them is innocence. They want to fuck it up, turn us to darken swamp of leeches devouring each other, endless war.’ (An ancient soul tattoo.)

My vision arrows her cellular projection that shakes the light around her like a string vibrating in a liquid air and bounces at me as an electric lion claw. The beauty signature cuts a definition shock into my flying stomach. Just feel it and communicate with all humans threaded on this pleasure pain fever.

“Emotions! All I got” is my name.

“My name is Eternity compact in that moment.” She whispers a breeze sailing down hill.

A fraction of a second my hunter’s eye catches after motion whack-whack breasts! Poke a blouse up and down with every step towards me. The two nipple "thirty-eight" calibres hold me at the gun point demand my life or I’ll perish. A captive of her cellular wield hijacked by an embryo like a shooting star designated to her pulsating glands just can’t wait to nourish a new life.

Radiant flux eyes, the nose accenting her esteem, a recurve of lips almost a smile but serious and distant, like a last wine drop descending my throat goes to my lungs. I cough-choke on it to deepfeel a taste. It bleaches off my unconditional love I thought I was, exposing not a state of grace, but a magnetic impact.

Back from the trip, I’m high on her like an Ayahuasca shaman.

“A watermark of your glow burns through the walls in a labyrinth of brain fold mirrors. I walk like you, the chest pistols walk.”

”The heart chakra! Most powerful vortex antenna of non verbal communication beyond a visible light spectrum. Instant and uninstructed.”

”Not only light; the physical appearance defined by a touch."

”Too late. The crystalline fairness discovered. Gone. Now a void where even sadness can’t stay."

”You can rebuild it. Wink to her. Just take off your shades. ”


*Genetic manipulation for enslavement.

– Did you see my slaves?

– I saw them flying away.

Średnia ocena: 1.0  Głosów: 3

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Komentarze (2)

  • SwanSong 2 miesiące temu
    Fajny bełkot.
  • mamycię 2 miesiące temu
    Tylko głąb nie czai, że to polski portal👎

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