


Somerled's Perspective:


We went back to school after the holidays.

The break from studying was interesting.


"Are you all right? Do you need something?", Seren worried.


-Honey, it's alright.

You can buy us biscuits with a peach nap, I replied.


"I'll be back soon," replied the beloved.


He kissed my stomach quickly.

It's already a little visible.


A group of our friends approached me.


I said hello to them.


"How are you?" Luke asked.


-I was fairly ok. I slept poorly, - I explained.


"It'll be fine. It's important that the baby is ok," Reyna said.


"What will you call them?" Asked Hes.


"If it's Laveila's girl, if it's Siref's boy," I announced.


-Cool names .- they judged.


My boyfriend is back.

I ate sweets and we went to class.



Seren's Perspective:


Laveila was born by caesarean section.


The End

Średnia ocena: 1.0  Głosów: 1

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Komentarze (4)

  • piliery dwa lata temu
    O matko, skąd tam się wzięła dziewczynka? To straszne.
  • Zuzanna4567 dwa lata temu
    Co w tym strasznego? To fikcja.
  • joannitaplos2 dwa lata temu
    za krótkie opowieści
  • Zuzanna4567 dwa lata temu
    nic innego nie wymyślę

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