Dodatek do poprzedniego tekstu “I ty takze zostaniesz Don Quixote ...jezeli juz nim nie jestes.”

Poprzedni tekst przedstawia machanizm bycia zlapanym w sidla klamstw narzuconych nam dla kontroli i zniewolenia.

Nalezy dodac, ze nasze skolowanie jest naturalna czescia naszej osobowosci i powstaje ogranicznie na skutek byc moze szoku jakego doznajemy w dziacinstwie chocby tylko na widok tego co nas otacza, co jest najczesciej aranzowane przez ludzi juz duzo wczesniej zdewastowanzch przez traume, albo to, co uwazane jest jako “rzeczywistosc” — ten otaczajacy nas produkt notorycznego kamuflazu uprawianego przez zywe organizmy wlacznie z naszymi przyjaciolmi i naszymi ukochanymi rodzicami (Swiety Mikolaj i inne klamstwa) skazanych jakby przez los, aby przedstawiac cos innego, niz autentyczny stan rzeczy.

Juz chcby z tego powodu jestesmy od zarania ofarami szoku i braku rozeznania bez jakichs dodatkowych bodzcow wywartych na nas z premedytacja.

Czyli nasz program, ktory wypacza nam obraz rzeczywistosci jest konglomeratem dwoch podstawowych form oglupienia, ktorymi sa:

# 1 Nasze naturalne zmylenie przez obraz swiata

# 2 Klamstwa jake zaszczepoine sa w nas przez system kontroli


Nasze naturalne zmylenie przez obraz swiata bardzo pieknie ujmuje Jon Levi w dzisiejszej swej audycji, w ktorej takze demaskuje oficjalne zafalszowanie historii przez system kontroli, ale we wstepie Jon Levi rzuca swiatlo na nasza wlasna forme wypaczajaca rzeczywistosc i jak sie z tego samouciemiezenia wyzwolic:

„Understand this separate false identity – the ego – they called the artificial self that is created by the time we're seven years old imprinted or tattooed into our being and understanding this doesn't make it any easier now it's the struggle and for a long time spiritual practices top ways to abolish the ego and you would kind of end up like this among maybe like a Buddhist, a little more rebellious not having fixed or hardened ideas but essentially doing the same thing but being a little bit more free than the Buddhist and I think these are footsteps but not the final destination not flipping from one to another one being the false self which most people will live and die as and for those that are aware of it might go back and forth strong emotions pull us into the false self the false self-clings to be to exist

the “Book of Itching” says something to the extent of let your higher self guide your lower self itching being a Taoist classic and I think this makes more sense we're not trying to eliminate one for another it understands that both will exist again that this is like some mark or tattoo that you carry with you but it is certainly your lower self

and what is your higher self?

your higher self is the awareness the non-judgmental all-seeing eye within you the awareness presence in the moment no past no future in this exists in all living beings I relate this to my own life and my sadness that I've been feeling with the loss of my cat and this is definitely the lower self clinging to impermanence a losing battle, but we can honor our lower self we don't need to punish it over it like our inner child and we don't need to push away the emotions we just need to observe them with the awareness the higher self again that exists in everything the spark of God of the all and which is: observe our emotions

I don't push them away doesn't help pushing them away only seems to intensify them and both exist the higher self with the awareness can comfort the lower self and help dissolve the friction help it melt and I think that's the idea of meditation just helping us return to the higher self awareness and presence so simple but it's so difficult if we are struggling from our false sense of self's perspective and this feels more complete some kind of internal harmony accepting the past and present accepting the emotions listening to the emotions and moving forward without a need to cling to anything today”


Link do dzisiejszej audycji – Jon Levi “Uutilities and castles (very civil war)”

Średnia ocena: 5.0  Głosów: 1

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