Poprzednie częściMy Brother's Friend

My Step Brother



Jef's perspective:


Five months ago my mother got married to a new partner.


I gained a sister and a stepfather.

Megan is both my step-sister and my girlfriend.


We have tried to fight this feeling but we have failed.


Parents' reaction:


-You're not real siblings, so we accept that. Just be careful.



Megan's perspective:


I'm pregnant. It's 10 weeks. We've been to the doctor.

Everything is fine.


Jef was with me for an ultrasound.

He was holding my hand all the time.


-This is your baby and the beating of ?, the gynecologist announced.


At home:


"You will be grandparents," Jef announced.


"Why are you not surprised?", I wondered.


-I heard you throw up + you were sleepy

+ rounded belly, explained dad.


-Do not worry, we will help you,-promised stepmother.



Theo's Perspective:


Grandson was born on 6 February at 2:19.


Name: Gert.


The End

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