

Średnia ocena: 3.5  Głosów: 2

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Komentarze (4)

  • Szpilka dwa lata temu
    I’m also happy because I have a roof over my head and a full stomach ? ?
  • Narrator dwa lata temu

    Wait until winter sets and red gnome shuts down the gas pipe. No more hot meals. ?
  • Szpilka dwa lata temu

    I feel like my end is near, meanwhile I'm singing ????

    Don't Worry Be Happy

  • Narrator dwa lata temu
    Te same mankamenty co w poprzednich częściach: monotonny opis, ubogie słownictwo, oklepane spójniki, brak urozmaicających drobiazgów, sucha wyliczanka zamiast opowiadania: co Maria ma, czego chce, ona to, ona tamto, i tak dalej, aż do końca. Krótki, minimalistyczny tekst, a mimo to kuleje ze względu na ewidentne ograniczenia językowe autora.

    Wystarczy kilka minut, żeby to poprawić (oczywiście fabuła wciąż dziecinnie banalna):

    It is wedding day tomorrow and Mary could not hide the excitement: to put on a white dress; tight at the top, flaring out close to the knee to show off her shapely body. Never mind it cost a fortune. You don't have to spend a penny if your bridegroom is running his own law firm and represents many rich, well paying customers. But getting married is just the beginning of the life she dreamed off: settling down in a small town, where time passes at a slow pace and people live in peaceful, quiet atmosphere. Only in such a place she could feel happy, surrounded by many relatives who she invited to the tomorrow ceremony in a cosy, wooden village church.

    Pozdrawiam bez oceny, bo nie chcę zaniżać średniej. ?

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